I’m Back!

Hi All,
I have been out of hospital for a week now and feeling better just very very tired!  The operation went well and I now have an un-deflated implant in!  Apparently because the implant is sitting on the chest wall it is quite common for them to eventually go as there is no other protection round them, unlike implants which are done for cosmetic reasons, as they are surrounded by breast tissue.
I have been easing myself back into doing jobs, taking Youngest to swimming club on Saturday morning and doing the grocery shopping.  By the time I got back at lunch I was tired!  So spent the afternoon in the sitting room reading my book.  Our Eldest and DH had left early Saturday morning to go and visit Lancaster University, which is about two hours north of us, as he has to now start looking at where he wants to go in 2013! So far he has been to Nottingham Uni (where DH and I are from) and loved it, but they have to apply to six to see where they get offers from so we are now taking him round.  Next Saturday is Queen Mary Uni in London.
All the Boys have been great whilst I have been out of action, although Youngest I think has had his nose pushed out a little bit as he normally gets all the attention being the Youngest!  He has come round though.
The first week has gone well for him at Senior School and he has really enjoyed the new school and the teachers and the subjects.  They held the Year 7 and 8 swimming gala on Wednesday last week and he won both his races, which I think gave him a confidence boost. 
Eldest is in Sixth Form and doing well and getting into the subjects now.  He also has a job at the local Golf Club waiting on at functions and in the Restaurant so he is really pleased and DH and I are really proud of them both. 
This week I hope to do a little more work and get back to doing a few more things and I have a check up on Friday with my  Consultant to see how things are.
Going through my pictures the other day when I had a few minutes I found some things I haven’t shown you.  These two are food related.  The first was the dessert we had at the RAF Lunch we went to and I just had to take a picture as it was so pretty.  The second was taken in Selfridges in London when we were there.  They were promoting a Tai Banquet the day we went and this was done with fruit.  What a very pretty waste of fruit!!!
Our dessert from the RAF Lunch

Carved fruit – A lot of time and effort but how pretty.
Susie x

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