Troublesome Tuesday

Today has been one of those days!  You know the sort when you have the day all planned out and each hour the plan gets less and the chaos more!  
I came downstairs to find Treacle looking very sorry for herself and she refused breakfast.  Quick call to the vets at 8.30am yes be there by 10.30am.  Okay but that means that I have to get Eldest Son to school early as he had a revision session and then exam (in History the subject he wants to do at A-Levels next year – so very important).  He, of course, didn’t want to be at school that early – solution he had to walk!  At least the weather was warm and sunny today.
Visit to the vets, Treacle has an injection (its a bug going around) so injection and tablets and also has an infected paw!!  She was looking even sorrier for herself when she left (she loves going to the vets usually!).
Work – I really had to get some work done as it had to be in the mail tonight!  That done a quick lunch of a bowl of soup and then off to the post office.  Yeah all sent off – No!  I forgot another piece of mail!!!!!  
Just in time to get to the Senior School to collect Eldest Son to get back home for Youngest Son coming home!  Eldest Son had still not appeared half an hour after exam was due to finish.  Back to our village to collect Youngest Son (who didn’t know I was collecting him) to get back to collect Eldest!  In the playground three questions about Carnival, one about the Leavers Party and two about the Dog show.  Eldest Son rings to say he is out and where am I!!!!  Collect Youngest back to Senior School.
Up to the Farm Shop to collect bread and eggs, which I had run out of, and a welcome cup of tea!  Home to find Treacle had gotten worse.  Back in the car and to the Vets.  Yes it is definitely this bug going around but she is worse than this morning.  Another injection!  Home again.  Dinner and DH out to another meeting for Carnival and me to get the Youngest into bed.
It is now 7.45pm and my feet don’t feel as if they have touched the ground all day!! Do you have days like this?
Susie x
Treacle feeling sorry for herself.

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