The Wednesday Wag.


I am very much enjoying this horrible wet weather as I don’t stay out very long!!!!!  The heating is on and I am very comfortable in my basket next to Mom’s desk.

When Mom and Dad were in London they discovered a company called “Mungo & Maud” which is a shop just for dogs and cats!  They have a special set of wipes just for dogs for our eyes, ears and paws.  I have a couple of little bobbles on my eye lids which my doctor said were not harmful but could not be removed because of where they are.  Anyway they do make my eyes water so Mom wipes my eyes but now she has found these wet wipes it is so much easier for me to have it done with them.  They bought some in London and tried them out and they have been so successful that Mom has ordered some more.  So I got a parcel in the post yesterday.

This is the box when it arrived.

Mom says the wrappings are very pretty.

Here are the wipes and of course Mom could not let it pass to order me some organic treats!

Here are the wipes.

And here are the treats.

They are not very big Mom!  But they do look yummy.

Let me at them!

Thank you Mom they are definitely yummy!

They are forecasting snow for parts of the country this week and I think we may get some next week but not sure yet, probably won’t get any!!!  Mom and Dad have to go to Edinburgh again next week so Youngest and I will be home alone again!  I love it spending time just with Youngest.

I hope you have a wonderful Woofy Wednesday.


2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    What fancy packaging your wipes come in, Treacle, and those treats look incredibly yummy! The weather peeps are calling for us to get snow mixed with rain on Friday and again on Sunday. It sounds like more ice for us than fun snow. I hope you get your beautiful fun snow!

  2. farmquilter

    You really need some disposable booties to wear when it is wet or muddy! You know, like the ones they wear in the operating rooms, but made for pups!! Those treats look yummy!! Mom just made me go outside and it is pouring rain!! Mom shoveled 5″ of snow this morning and it is almost all gone with the rain we are getting…so much water on the grass that I was wading up to my knees!!! Awful!!! Stay warm…I’m heading to my bed and blankets!! Tara

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