Susie’s Friday Book Club.


This is the first book I have read of Steve Cavanagh.  This book is the fourth Eddie Flynn novel.  Eddie was a con man but a chance encounter with a Judge who steered him towards a career in the Law, has given him a respectable career.  He now represents clients getting them off charges which he was once accused of.

“Thirteen” sees Eddie being asked to be second chair in a high profile case of a film star accused of killing his wife.  Eddie is in trouble with some bad cops and his new employer wants him to go up against the cops to prove they lied about the evidence.  They are about to go into Court when the top lawyers pull out, which leaves Eddie to try and win the case on his own.  However the real killer is on the jury and ready to sway the rest in favour of the death penulty!!!!  Can Eddie get his client off and avoid death himself?

I really enjoyed this book and can highly recommend it.  It moves very well through the chapters, there isn’t too much legal jargon but the suspense is kept high.  I will be reading more of Mr Cavanagh’s books especially in this series.


Sorry this is a day late!!! I spent Thursday working and then doing home jobs and yesterday I was out early at the grocery store, 7.00am, as I hate crowds and after unloading and putting the shopping away I then spent the rest of the day ironing!!! It’s lovely to go out but the washing does not stop piling up!!!  I do sometimes think I am running a laundry service!!!!!! 

Have a great weekend, don’t panic and stay safe.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Susie’s Friday Book Club.

  1. farmquilter

    Oh, that sounds like a good one!! I’m reading Project Dandelion by Heather Carson…quite interesting! I always like to have a good book going.

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