It’s Friday but not Black!

I am so fed up of our retailers jumping on the band wagon for Black Friday!  It has always been an American day, ie the day after Thanksgiving, when Christmas starts and their retailers do discounts to encourage people to shop.  However our lot seem to have appropriated the day and some people have lost their heads over discounts, which are not always what they are cracked up to be!!!!!  If I get one more email about Black Friday…….!!!!


We were going to get the tree this weekend and decorate but DH now has to be at an event anouncing Santa’s arrival!!!  So it looks like it will be next week now!!!  I am doing okay with my plans for getting things sorted for Christmas and as DH is not around for this weekend I can get on with my jobs!!!  I have been out today running errands, some of which were successful and others which were not!!!  Hey ho.  My aim is to get the majority of the jobs finished so that we are all then able to enjoy the next few weeks in the run up to the Big Day!!! 

It was actually sunny today which has made a huge difference after all the rain over the last few weeks.  It was very cold first thing with a hard frost which will also hopefully help kill off all the bugs!! DH has had a cold since last week but so far, fingers crossed, I have avoided it!!!!

Treacle loved being outside this morning and I sat at my desk for as long as I could with the door open for her until I was frozen, but she happily came in and got in her basket for a snooze whilst I worked!!!  As you can see she is also getting ready for Christmas.  Next week she is off to the Spa for the day!!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend for the last day of November!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “It’s Friday but not Black!

  1. farmquilter

    I woke up this morning to 4″ of snow, with more to come on Saturday night/Sunday!! Poor Tara has to have an area of grass shoveled for her use!! I think our high was about 33, so it has been a day of staying inside as much as possible!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Mom would NEVER put herself in those nutty, nasty, rude crowds for any black Friday sales!
    You look adorable in your Santa hat with your tennis ball in your mouth, Treacle!

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