Sorry for No Posts!


Since my last post about Chelsea I have not been well!  I could not get warm for two days, despite the weather being hot and my wearing lots of layers!  I was also very, very tired. 

We went out with Fiancé’s parents on Saturday evening and had a lovely time but I felt really tired. DH and I were really busy Sunday and then Monday disappered into a busy day of work and before I knew it, it was 4.00pm and I had had no lunch!!!  We were supposed to have a meeting on Monday night regarding swimming which all did not go well and so we had to have another meeting last night!!!!! Grr!

This is where we went for dinner near Ashbourne.

The Dining Room.  The food was lovely.

Spring Cleaning is now finished!!!!  Yeah!  I couldn’t have done it without DH’s help especially with not feeling well too!!  It is a little late this year as we would have normally go a lot done at Easter, but that was taken up with the huge empty the attic job!!!!!  The only jobs left I have to do is clean all the kitchen machines, oven, fridge, dishwasher etc but I am going to do those on Sunday.

Saturday we will ALL be at the local swimming pool for the Club’s Open event for the younger swimmers.  It is a long day but the children love it so hopefully it will be busy and the day will fly by!!!! 

DH and I have tidied the garden, so we are now able to work on specific areas to get things sorted.  We have quite a few plants which need a good trim so that will be one job.  We also need to get the patio clean with the pressure washer!!!!!  Treacle is just loving the nice weather and taking every opportunity to be outside!!!!!

My dear Friend, Susan from Washington State, sent me a parcel which arrived today (after being stuck in our Customs for days!!!!!!).  I was tempted to save it for my Birthday in a couple of weeks but couldn’t!!!!!!  She sent me some absolutely wonderful gifts, pictures below.  Quilters are the most generous of people and I have sent her a Huge Thank You!!!  I will be putting them in my sewing room and will take some pictures when they are in place. 

A lovely bag, filled with goodies and the material it is wrapped in is a lovely red fat quarter.

All my goodies.

Susan and Tara, sent Treacle some goodies and she loves them and sends a Big Woof Thank You!

Susan also sent me this lovely fabric; a fat quarter and also made from it two jar openers and a large tray which will be great for holding my current quilting project.

Susan also sent me some quilting tools and storage pieces and you know how much I love organising things so this will be a great help in my sewing area!

Also enclosed were these wonderful towels.  I bought a few when we were in the US in 2010 and still use them.

She sent a gift for DH and he will get this when he gets home tongith

They are all wonderful gifts and my Birthday has come early.  Thank you so much Susan!!!!

Tonight I think I will catch up on a few home jobs, tomorrow I have to do the cleaning, washing and ironing and Friday will be grocery shopping as we are out all day on Saturday!!!!  The weeks are flying by, I cannot believe that we are in June and six months of the year has almost gone!!!!  There is a lot happening in the next few weeks; Birthdays, Carnival in the village (!), visits and we are also coming up to the Festival of Quilts show at the NEC in Birmingham at the beginning of August!

However one of my “go-to” Quilt Shops is closing at the end of June 🙁 as the owner is semi-retiring.  On the upside she is having a sale so I will be going to visit to see what I can pick up!!!!!!

Sorry it has been a long post but this is what happens when you have a few days of not checking in!!!!  I will also get around to all the Blogs I follow as I have not checked in with them for a while!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Sorry for No Posts!

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    What beautiful birthday gifts from your friend and Treacle and DH scored too! Love your Lupine header photo! We hope you are back to 100% soon, Miss Susie.

  2. farmquilter

    So sorry you were feeling so awful!! Especially when you have so many plans!!! I hope that the swimming goes well this weekend…sure wish there were more willing to work and fewer interested only in complaining!! So glad you liked everything…it’s fun to play with colors I don’t have in my home and rarely work with!! Enjoy early June!!

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