
You know all that glorious Summer weather we had and the drought?  Yep well all the water that disappeared over all those weeks has come back down today!!!!  You cannot see too well in the picture above, but the water running down our Hill was just incredible.  The plants, I can assure you, do not need watering!!!!

Throwback pictures to Goose Fair which will soon be on again at the beginning of October

DH and I took the Boys down to London at the October Half Term school holiday in 2005, Eldest was ten and Youngest was six!  They, like we, have always loved bookshops and they always came out with books whatever the time of year, toys were only bought at Christmas and Birthdays but if we went into a bookshop no matter what time of year they came out with books.  I think this helped them to love books as much as we do.  As you can see Youngest got himself a chair and was quite happy.  This was Hatchards in London and we spent quite a few hours in there.

Eldest above sorting out the books of what he would like to buy.  They also spent their own money on books a lot of the time too.

Of course a trip to London is not done unless you go down the River Thames on a boat, which the Boys loved to do no matter how old they got.  The River is far too interesting to take time out looking at Daddy taking a picture, but I did!!!

I hope you are having a thrilling Thursday, it’s almost Friday!

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT.

  1. farmquilter

    I love to read and so do my kids! I used to have a personal library of around 3,000 books. That has been whittled down a bit, but I still have my favorites!! Now I have around 5,000 books on my Kindle – easier to travel with and 99.9% were free! So glad you are getting rain, but hope it stops in time for the Goose Fair…a sopping fair really isn’t fun.

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