It’s Monday Again.


Monday came round quick this week!!!  Our weather held over the weekend so we were able to eat outside with our friends on Saturday evening!!!  It was a very hot day and was very warm into the evening. 

Here is out outside dining table set for the evening.  I put my summer quilt on the bench in case it got cool in the evening. 

The friends who came to dinner are the ones celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in September and this is the quilt I made for them.  They loved it. 

Another picture of the front and one of the back courtesy of DH.

We had a lovely evening and we had not seen them in a while so it was great to catch up. 

Sunday was another very warm day so DH and I took the opportunity to get the garden tidy again and also continue with the changes we made to the top of the garden.  At least now it is in great shape before we go away on vacation. 

The top picture below is where we have put decorative bark down to help protect the plants with moisture, especially in this heat.  We have also put down weed suppressant membrane down as well.

The six pictures above are just the tidying we have been doing and getting it ready before our vacation.

The Buddleia has come into flower and the bees and butterflies are just loving it.  Above is a Peacock Butterfly.

The garden from the patio and you can see just a few wispy clouds.

The above, sorry it is blurred, is a Comma Butterfly.

Treacle spent all day outside on Saturday and yesterday too and was so tired last night she was fast asleep by 7.00pm.

This was a couple of hours ago where I caught her asleep sitting up (!)  I don’t think she has recovered from the weekend!!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and ready for a great week ahead.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “It’s Monday Again.

  1. farmquilter

    Your garden and table look fabulous!! That cool, inviting shade at the table must have been welcome in the heat you have been having. We are getting up to 103 a few days this week. Your acrylic placemats are perfect for your table – no wobbles for the glasses that way – brilliant!!! Vacation is not far away – yay!!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your gardens always look so beautiful, Miss Susie! One of mom’s favorites is the butterfly bush. She says that they smell so pretty! Your anniversary quilt is beautiful and we’re so happy that you got to eat outside as you wished! It was in the 90’s here yesterday with the dreaded humidity and it will be stiffling again today until the rains come in this afternoon along with a cold front. yay for cold fronts!

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