A New Week.


The weekend sped by with not a lot getting done.  Friday night I got all the rest of my jobs completed and dinner made for all the family.  Saturday Youngest did his last session at the swimming club and DH went with him and then straight onto a regional swimming meeting!  He got back mid afternoon and then was out all evening at an event.  Youngest went out with some friends for the day.

This meant that I spent all day quilting and got my super secret quilt finished (the fabric above is what it is made from)   Yeah!!  I just now need to sew the binding to the back, wash, dry it and it will be ready to be sent off.  I have my big summer quilt to do now and I also finished piecing the baby quilt which is needed for October. 

I have also found this pattern I like to make a small quilt for our other good friends who will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in September. It is a Missouri Star Quilt Company quilt which Jenny makes for a baby quilt.  I am going to make it in gold and yellow with contrasting colours as that is the colour for 50th wedding anniversary.

I am really pleased with how my quilting is going this year, having set specific goals and getting them ticked off.  I know it is another list but you know I like lists and I know that some quilters prefer to quilt as they feel but I have to have an order. 

The only thing that I won’t be carrying on with is the BOM “It’s a Wild Life”.  I have never done a BOM before and thought it would good to do especially as it is just one block a month.  However having completed four of them, three of which had applique on them, and putting them together I don’t like the look of it.  Also the blocks are huge and as we have to go through until January I hate to think how big it is going to be when it is finished.  As you know I am not very good at applique and I know that practice makes perfect but I am just not happy with it.  So rather than spend any more time and resources on it I won’t be carrying on.  I think if I had seen the whole quilt first like some of the BOM you can join and pay for then it would have given me a better idea.

I have a trip to the garden centre planned this week to get a few plants to put in place where we took the forsythia out above.  I have seen a couple of rhododendrons I like and also a rambling rose and hope they have them in stock.  As you can see Treacle is still hoping to grow a tennis ball tree!!!!  Tee Hee.

The above are the plants I am looking for; The rose is Mortimer Sackler, a Philadephus Belle Etoile, Rhododendron Azurro, Rhododendron Blue Tit and Rhododendron Goldkrone.

As you know our garden is very “wet” and so we get inundated with slugs and snails so I am being very vigilant to stop them eating all my plants.  At the moment we are doing okay and there are a lot going off to the plant recycling centre! I also have to ensure that the plants are happy in the soil we have and the above ones seem to be.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and going to have a great week.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “A New Week.

  1. farmquilter

    So glad you were able to get your super secret quilt finished this weekend. Always fun to put that last stitch in and see your finished creation! I’m looking forward to seeing it…soon, I hope! My garden is dry unless I water it…slugs and snails don’t live well in this dry desert I live in! Have a great week!

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