Thursday Thoughts.


I don’t know about you but at this time of year I get fed up with all the articles and adverts on TV/in magazines/in newspapers about getting fit, especially after as they put it, gluttonous Christmas blow outs.  Firstly we don’t eat anything more than we would normally over the Christmas period and if we do have a few treats, it is only a few.  Secondly all these companies want to do is actually make more money by getting you to join their club/course/gym.  Everyone sets these New Year Resolutions of getting fit and healthy and by the end of January they have stopped.  However you can help yourself without spending lots of money.

I think what does affect people at this time of year is the weather, which is often dark and dreary and the fact that all the excitement and celebration of Christmas is over and we are back to normal days with nothing to look forward to.  However you can make yourself feel better with a little effort and don’t forget everyone is probably feeling the same, it is not just you.  Being organised always makes me feel better and as you know I am a great list writer, so this may help you feel a ittle less at a loss.  Make lists of things you want to do during the year, in the home or the garden or places you would like to go and put them somewhere where you can check them off.

As you are probably indoors more because of the weather and dark nights take the opportunity to do any jobs in the home that you have put off.  Is there a room in your home which needs a good sort out, or have you been meaning to get your printed photographs organised.  Is there a book you have been meaning to read for a while and not got round to or have you always wanted to try a recipe  and not had the time.  Now is a great time to have a go at these things.

If you love to garden but can’t because of the weather you can always plan what you want to do this year.  Especially spending time looking for inspiration on Pinterest or plan a visit to a garden you have always wanted to visit for later in the year.

How about arranging a get together with friends for supper.  Rather than putting stress on yourselves with a big dinner make it easy by just doing a main course which can be cooked beforehand or a casserole that can be made and left in the oven and jacket potatoes in the oven and get everyone to serve themselves.  If you want to make a pudding make it easy or just buy some cookies.  How about a movie night?

Don’t forget that the children probably feel the same as you do at this time of year.  If the weather is not too bad you can always get them out for a bike ride or walk with the dog.  If the weather is bad then an afternoon playing board games as a family is great fun.  This is something I did with my family when I was a little girl and I remember it so well and is one of my most happiest of memories. 

Eating better and getting out and about is always a good idea but don’t put yourself under pressure with hard goals.  Just change one or two things and see how that goes and if you can maintain it then change something else and do it gradually, that goes for exercising too. 

I must admit I always feel a little down at this time of year and try very hard to do things which lift my mood.  Obviously quilting is one of my outlets but if you don’t have a hobby you could always begin a new one.  With the Web you can research so much and find out about things before embarking on your journey and even if you don’t start something new, you have found out lots of information and that means you have been doing something else instead of stressing over the time of year! 

I hope these few hints of helped you get over this time of year and it won’t belong before the nights are getting lighter and hopefully the weather is getting better.  Have a very Happy Thursday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Great suggestions, Miss Susie! Mom and I went on our walk this morning. It was mid-teen temps and breezy and icy but we made it and it was fun ☺

  2. farmquilter

    SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder is alive and well, especially in places where the sun sets before 4 in the afternoon…if you can even see it because of the clouds! In Washington, the sun goes down way earlier then it does here in Nevada and because we tend to sit under a jet stream, there are lots of cloudy days up there too. In Reno, I am used to over 300 days of sunshine and really miss it in Washington. We are currently enjoying a sunny day with temps about 60…a storm is coming in tonight so the wind is blowing! You have great ideas to combat SAD, cabin fever and post-holiday blues. As a crafter, we can keep the holidays alive all year round by working on gifts for next Christmas! All those things in the house that we can do during the cold, gloomy days of winter…brilliant of you to suggest them – it always lifts your spirits to clean out a closet or room!

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