The Wednesday Wag.


So we are half way through January and we have had no more snow!  I am so envious of Molly as she has had some more snow.  In fact it has been just very wet and yucky here and everytime I go outside when I come in I have to have my paws washed and wiped!

I did forget to show you my Christmas presents from Tara and her Mom, Susan, our friends in the US.  They are super yummy but Mom will only let me have a bit each day or else she says I will be like a little barrel if I eat too much.

Here they are.  I have never had Jerky before but it is lovely.

Mom I think I would like the Duck Jerky today please.

Sorry Treacle you had some Duck yesterday, it’s chicken today. 

Well whatever I love them both so thank you Tara and Susan for my yummy Christmas snacks.

We were supposed to get snow last night and today but it turned into rain so bah humbug.  At least my basket and where I sleep is nice and warm so I am going to snuggle down for an extra long snooze.  I hope you are having a happy woofy Wednesday.


2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your jerky looks so yummy, Treacle. I can almost smell it all the way over here! We don’t have much snow and what we do have is WET and the warmer temps will be making a comeback so I’d best have fun in my little bit of snow now because soon, I won’t have any at all 🙁

  2. farmquilter

    I’m glad you like the jerky treats, Treacle! I love them too but mom only gives me little pieces at a time! No snow here, but there are storms moving in this week so mom will be shoveling a place on the grass for me to potty…short legs make for a very uncomfortable situation in the snow!! Stay warm like me…under a blanket in bed!!!

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