It’s Friday!


Yes we made it to Friday without too many issues!!!

Today DH, Youngest and I attended the funeral of the Swimming Club’s Honorary Life President Frank Mansey, who passed away a week ago.  He was 91 and still was involved with the life of the swimming club although he was not as mobile but he loved seeing the swimmers and always came to the Presentation Night at Christmas.  It was a lovely service and as they say a good send off to a lovely gentleman.

I had a check up and clean at the dentist this afternoon and then I have a house to try and clean and tidy although it is still in a state of upheaval although Youngest’s new bed has arrived so hopefully we will be able to get him back into his own room and all his stuff and then I can get  Eldest’s room back in order and my sewing things out.  I need to get on with Evalyn’s quilt as it is her birthday at the beginning of October.

Yep this is Treacle today!  Told you she was going into hibernation mode!!  She had her breakfast this morning at 5.30am when DH got up and she came back to bed and slept for another four hours!!!  It has been raining again today and I think the weekend is going to be like this so there goes getting the garden done!!!! 

I hope you have a lovely Autumn Weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx


2 thoughts on “It’s Friday!

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Treacle, you are such a hoot☺ We can’t wait to see youngest’s room all painted and spiffy with his new bed! We are so sorry about President Frank. Hugs to all of you♥

  2. farmquilter

    Looking forward to seeing Youngest’s room when it is all put back together! Treacle looks so comfortable and content…Tara is hiding under her blanket as temps have dropped into the upper 50s tonight since we had a thunder storm roll through this afternoon.

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