Where Did Spring Go?

It may be Spring according to the calendar and all the adverts are trying to convince us it’s Spring but the weather isn’t! It’s really cold again!  Of course Treacle is feeling it having had all her coat cut off!!!!  She was curled up in her basket today in the smallest ball you can imagine!

We had a great weekend.  We saw our friends on Friday night for dinner at their home and then had friends round to our home for dinner on Saturday.  It was really great to catch up with everyone’s news.  Sunday was busy too with haircuts for all before our vacation and tidying up after our dinner party.  Of course I didn’t get any pictures!  We all went to bed early last night as we were all tired!!!!!

Treacle trying to creep round Daddy to get another biscuit!

Please can I have another biscuit?


I didn’t have time to do any quilting on Saturday but I did do some on Sunday.  I was quite happily sewing away and dropped a piece of fabric, bent down to pick it up from Eldest’s chair I was sitting in when it decided to tip up completely, dumping me on the floor, the back hitting my back!!!!!  I also managed to knock over my ironing table and dump the iron on the floor!!!!  No one was in the house at the time and Treacle just looked at me as if to say “what are you doing now”!  Having picked myself up and righted everything DH appeared (he had been in the garage with Eldest fiddling with his car!) and decided it was because Eldest’s chair wheels are small so as I moved forward they moved backwards!  I won’t be doing that again!

Today I have been working all day and tonight I am going to get our bags out and try and get organised for the weekend.  I am also trying to keep up with the washing and ironing so I don’t have lots to do at the weekend!  Well that’s the plan.

I hope your Monday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x


1 thought on “Where Did Spring Go?

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    Thank goodness you weren’t hurt, Miss Susie! Your new AireDoo looks great, Treacle! We hope it warms up for you soon and for us too!

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