It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas 2!

My kitchen will look like this one day!!!!!

Well I don’t know where Wednesday and Thursday went to!  They disappeared in a flurry of playing Santa and delivering presents, more baking, this time cheesy stars and sausage rolls, delivering the last of the Christmas cards in the village (with a reluctant Treacle who really didn’t want to go for a walk!) and all the everyday things that need doing.

Youngest has now finished school for two weeks and swimming finished last night for two weeks (Yeah; I am sure you can hear me cheering!) and DH finishes for Christmas on Tuesday.  There is a million and one things still to do but these are what I call the nice things to do and what I love most about Christmas.  We are off to see all the family on Sunday and we spend the whole day visiting and drinking lots of tea and eating lots of mince pies and catching up on all the news and I love it.  Saturday evening we are off to Nottingham to see the Christmas lights and displays and have dinner and Monday we are off delivering the last of the gifts. 

I managed to get the small Christmas cakes iced yesterday and I certainly don’t need to go to the gym this week having used 1kg of icing sugar and had to beat it until smooth, oh my upper arms!!!!

Just to show you there are two cakes and not one photographed twice!!!!!!

Here is our cake also iced and with the various decorations on.  These are mine as opposed to the ones handed down to me by my Grandmother, I alternate each year.

Tonight is the Presentation Evening for the swimming club where all the trophies and medals are handed out after the in-house Galas and there is also food (what the swimmers are most interested in!) and a disco.  It is going to be a long night!

I hope everyone’s plans are going well for Christmas and you all have a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas 2!

  1. farmquilter

    I could cook and bake in that kitchen!!! Oh I wish, but I don’t think it will ever come about! You have your Christmas preparations well in hand. Enjoy the next fortnight with your boys, minus the demands of school and swimming!!!

  2. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    Your Christmas cakes look beautiful and oh so yummy! Our mom says that she would have no problem moving into that kitchen either, Miss Susie!

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