Saturday Cook In Update!

Well our Christmas cake is made and now cooling.  I have made the mixture for the two smaller cakes and got the Christmas pudding mix done and it is now sat in its bowl overnight to ferment!!!

The large cake cooling

The next cake mixture divided into two

In the cake tin and wrapped up ready to cook, these will be round cakes.

The Christmas puddings mixture fermenting

Covered up for the night, in a Christmas tea towel of course!

I am just about to start writing our Christmas cards with DH and Youngest is also doing his.  Eldest may get his done at some point …..!

Hugs, Susie x

PS Treacle’s asleep in her basket now as she has been banned from the kitchen, in case she has a sneaky taste of my cooling cake!!!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “Saturday Cook In Update!

  1. farmquilter

    Smart to ban Treacle!! I once had a large dog (a lab/Irish setter mix) who quite happily took a bite from all 4 corners of a cake my mom had cooling on the counter – she was used to little dogs, not my gangly-legged guy!! Do you bake the cake with the paper around it?? I am totally clueless with baking these kinds of cakes!!!

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