Thursday Things.

DH and I had to go and visit a customer yesterday in the Lake District, so left home at 5.00am and got there about 8.00am.  We then went into the local town for breakfast and a cup of tea!  This monument overlooks the town of Ulverston and was erected for Sir John Barrow, who was born there in 1764 and eventually became Second Secretary of the Admiralty.  It was made to look like a lighthouse although there is no actual light in it and it was to remind people of Sir John’s naval history.

It was a long day and we got back around 3.00pm where we finished some more work before having dinner and then off to swimming.  However we have to go back again tomorrow with some more parts!!!  It has been one of those weeks.

Madam spent the day here!  We have had the forecasted warm weather, although it is dropping cold at night, so she was sunbathing on our bed whilst we were out!!  She came down and saw us when we came in blinking as if she had only just woken up!  So that was why there was no Wednesday Wag yesterday. 

In fact the whole week has flown by with work and swimming issues.  The swimming looks to be staying the same with less hours for the foreseeable future which is what none of us want, we would like to get back to all our usual days and session times.  I was also speaking to our Accountant yesterday and we were both saying that we don’t see anything changing much and it will probably be like this, this time next year which is slightly depressing.

I seem to be getting an email a day now with Christmas offers.  It is almost like everyone has agreed that it has been such a year that Christmas needs to start now!  I mean they are always early here in the UK but September, that really is early this year!  I was saying though that so far this year we have had bad floods in the UK, the fires in Australia and USA, the locusts in India, the pandemic and probably to add insult to injury we are going to have a dreadful Winter, lots of snow and freezing temperatures!!  I never say this but I will really be glad to see the back fo 2020 although I am not sure that 2021 will be any better!!!

At the moment I am taking it two weeks at a time!  I think that is the longest we can look ahead for as everything seems to change on a moments notice!  My next two weeks?  Swimming!!!!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday, Friday tomorrow!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

PS  As it is Thursday here is #TBT!  The Boys with Santa in 2005!  Aged 10 and 6, on the steam train at Great Central Railway!

Madam and her Reindeer Ears, she does not look impressed!!!!!

3 thoughts on “Thursday Things.

  1. farmquilter

    I’m with you…I’ll be happy to see the back of 2020 in so many ways!! It has been a life-changing year in so many ways for so many people. I am tired of the virus and politics, fires, hurricanes, and floods. Everything is so over the top in the media that we become numb and nothing makes an impact any more. I’m planning the trips I want to take next year and beyond, just as an escape!

  2. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    What a neat monument. It does look like a lighthouse! I don’t see a whole lot changing in 2021 either and it is depressing to think about. The boys are so cute with Santa and you look adorable in your antlers, Treacle!

  3. Carol Andrews – I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.
    Carol Andrews

    2020 can be gone! I agree. I am done with it. However Fall and Winter are usually nice in my part of Canada. We likely will be having both Federal and Provincial elections this fall and then we will see if things improve. Our Covid numbers are increasing and wildfires are still burning. Thank heaven we have fun blog posts to read and sweet pictures such as Madam and the boys to look at. Thank you for sharing the smiles! 😁

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