Linky Party & The Wednesday Wag.

I am pinching a little bit of Treacle’s Wednesday Wag to let you know about Val’s Tuesday Archives at Val’s Quilting Studio (  This is a Linky Party every Tuesday where we re-visit old Blog Posts based on a different theme each week.  This week Val is holding a Giveaway as it is her 200th Linky Party, so why not hop over and have a look at whats been going off and join the fun and have a chance to win.  Val has let you know what you need to do to join the fun and also several ladies, including me, have already linked up.  It is also good fun to look back at old posts and get inspiration from things you have made in the past and also see what other talented ladies have been up to.

Thank you Treacle x



I mean really using my day to promote your quilting!  Mom!  “sorry Treacle, it won’t happen again”.

Since Monday it has been lovely and warm and Mom keeps telling me I need to go visit my Spa but I am okay at the moment.  I have managed to find plenty of shade when I need it to cool down but then I cannot resist sunbathing for a while.   Mom said she is very glad I am not white and she would then have to put sun cream on me as well as Dad and the Boys!!!!

I am loving it at the moment as Youngest has almost finished college and so is at home more and his new Girlfriend is also with him.  She loves dogs and that means I love her too.  I am so lucky as both my Boys have Girlfriends who love dogs, what more could a doggie ask for.  This picture was last week at Mom’s Birthday.

It is even sunny where I sit waiting for my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Mom says walks have to be done early in the morning or late at night when the sun has not gotten up or when it has gone down so it is hopefully cooler.  Mom likes the heat but even she is staying out of it today after the last few days.

Because I am spending lots of time out-of-doors I am very tired as I am not getting as much sleep as usual and as it is so warm I am getting up in the night trying to find cool spots to lie in and then keep waking Mom up.  Dad does not hear me and still manages to sleep all night without being disturbed!!!!

This weekend Dad is out for some of it so I think we will be gardening and then Mom will be quilting so I will be able to catch up from all my missed sleep this week when she is quilting!!! I hope you are having a lovely start to summer.

Woof, Treacle.

2 thoughts on “Linky Party & The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Breakfast, lunch AND dinner – you get THREE meals a day, Treacle? I am definitely being cheated and need to have a chat with mom ASAP! That last picture of you in your basket is just too sweet for words! We’re off to check out the linky.

  2. val

    Hi Susie! THANKS for the great shout out and linky support! I’m looking forward to your readers stopping by on Tuesdays.

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