Nat Hist Museum

This was twelve years ago and at the National History Museum in London.  DH had to go to London on business and so I took the Boys down as well and we did some of the museums.  In fact we probably did all the museums several times over the years as they grew and as their interests changed and related to work they were doing at school.  They loved this visit, despite Eldest’s face, it was the Friday at the end of a very long week of early mornings and being on the go all day. 

Eldest was 10 and Youngest was six. I loved them at this age (I love them now of course!) as they still wanted you to help them with things and were happy to hold your hand and be with you.  Of course as soon as they hit teenage it all changes but this was a great time.   

Eldest and Girlfriend came for dinner last night and it was great to spend time with them, Youngest was with us for a while but he had to go coaching for an hour.  This morning DH left at early o’clock (5.00am) to get to a customer and avoid all the traffic.  Treacle and I did not get up that early but not long after. 

I am on track to get all my jobs done today and tomorrow so that I can spend the weekend quilting.  In fact I am going to have my own quilt retreat, only appearing for tea or lunch breaks and of course to feed and sort Treacle out!  My quilting room is very tidy at the moment as well and just need to tidy up some more of the “sewing repairs” and it will be quilting only!!!!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday and have some fun things happening at the weekend.  I hope everyone who has a bad cold or flu at the moment feel better soon.  Several people I have met over the last week have not been well and I am trying hard to stay out of their way and stay healthy.

Happy Thursday everyone

Hugs, Susie xx

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