

Why, I bet you are wondering, is there a picture of a Christmas Tree? Well it is #TBT but no I saw an advert on TV for the Movie24 channel who are doing Christmas in July!!!!!!!!!!!!  Come on, really?   It will not be long before there are Christmas things appearing in the shops, usually the beginning of September and now Movie24 are showing Christmas movies for the whole of July???????!!!!!! Madness!!!

Well as it is #TBT and we have started this Christmas theme I couldn’t resist, te he!!!  Here are the Boys ten years ago on Christmas morning after Santa has visited.

A visit to see Santa before Christmas at Great Central Steam Railway.  We loved taking them there.

The Christmas Tree from ten year’s ago.

I know, I know back to reality of June 29th!!!!  and it is just under six months before Christmas really.  However the weather is quite cool today and raining so it could be winter!  Tonight is the Wild, Wet & Wacky evening for the kids where they play very silly games on the park in teams.  I never go as I hate the sight of children running around and slipping and have visions of broken limbs, it freaks me out. 

I am doing a little bit of quilting each day on Youngest’s quilt and am now planning the next one I need to get done.  I have a few jobs which need to get done after this week and I am trying to stay on top of things work and home wise so that I can get my quilting finished.  

I hope you are having a Happy Thursday and the weather is good with you. 

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Weird!

  1. farmquilter

    I could not go to the park either because I would want to join in with the crazy kids!! Right now a walk through the store to get dog food is enough to have me sitting with an ice pack and needing pain meds to go to sleep! Such fun getting old and having surgery! I’ll be spending the day in my chair today. Love the pictures of the boys so long ago…and I love the way you wrap each kid’s gifts in different paper!!! Sigh, they grow up too fast.

  2. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    How odd. We had to right click on the photos of the boys and tell them to OPEN. Love your Christmas tree from 10 years ago. We’re not ready for Christmas yet. We need to have Autumn first☺

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