Oh My The Days Are Flying By!

I swear it was Friday nine minutes ago!!!!!  The days are flying and with it the time to get things done!!! 

The Younger Swimmers had a great championships on Friday night and they really enjoyed themselves. DH, Youngest and I were shattered by the end of it!!!!  The Older Swimmers did their second half of the championships on Saturday evening and Youngest won two and came third in his final race, so he was really pleased.  Again DH and I were shattered by the end of it!  Sunday DH and Youngest were helping at the Remembrance Day service and did not get home until 2.00pm and I spent the weekend getting jobs done!

This Saturday DH and I are going Christmas shopping!  You will not believe the logistics we have had to go through to ensure we get to go and I am keeping my fingers crossed that nothing happens between now and then to scupper it!!!!  Sunday DH is out again at a swimming event as President so I am trying to get some more order in my sewing room.

dsc02548Treacle is very woolly at the moment but it is cold, so I am going to arrange for her haircut at the beginning of December and then she will be okay for Christmas.  However it is not good when I am trying to brush her because she is so curly!!!!!


I have been trying to catch up on my favourite blogs but have not had chance to comment on them. Hopefully I will be able to catch up over the next few days.  At the moment I feel like those hamsters on their wheels!!! My little paws are going as fast as possible but I am not getting anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are having a great Tuesday

Hugs, Susie xx


There are 40 More Days to Go To Christmas!

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