What A Day!

Well I had my day planned and how many times does it happen to you that the best laid plans go awry?  It took me a lot longer to get into Nottingham today than normal and the person at my first appointment said that was because their school children were still off on their Easter break, whereas ours went back on Monday!  By the time I came out all the car parks were full with huge queues waiting, they had closed some roads for works and having followed the diversions I was almost back to the road home, so I came home!  Needless to say I didn’t get my cotton or some other things I needed.

Youngest will be 21 in August (oh my goodness where did 21 years go?!!!!!)  Anyway his best friend who he met in Reception class (aged 4) is 21 next week, so I called and dropped off his card (with money enclosed!) and saw his Mom and Dad.  His Mom is my very good friend Jayne who goes Christmas Shopping with me and long Ladies Who Lunch lunches!!!!  I haven’t seem them since Christmas as they have been extremely busy and so have we, but have promised that we will get together, no doubt for our Birthdays which are a week apart, for lunch!

Eldest’s 12th Birthday with James who is 21 on Wednesday!

I also went to the Post Office and there was a huge queue in there as well!  DH and Youngest are at the NEC today for the last day of the exhibition and they then have to pack up and queue out of the NEC so they should be home hopefully by 8.00pm.  I am determined that next week and I am going to be more organised.  Well hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be good and spring like (its raining today) and I am hoping to get out in the garden to start some tidying.  Treacle is down for her procedure for next Tuesday and no food again from the day before, so no doubt she will be in a mood again, but at least with clean teeth.

I hope you are having a great Friday and a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie x


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