

Yes today is Shrove Tuesday when you eat pancakes well that is what has become tradition but really is eating fat before the fasting of Lent and Ash Wednesday.   As DH is away all week on business we actually had our pancakes on Sunday!   I always suffer when I am making pancakes as DH remembers being a small boy with his best friend, James, in his Mom’s kitchen on Shrove Tuesday and Auntie Margaret just making pancake, after pancake until they were full.  Being little Boys of course they were never full.  So I always make double the amount of batter but it never seems to be enough!!!!!!

I watched it!  Its still great!  However I am a die-hard fan but the writing was just the same and Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny were still great as Mulder & Scully.  I just wish there was going to be more episodes than the six they have made!  There is a rumor in Episode Five of introducing their replacements and for the X-Files to continue with them instead of Mulder & Scully.  Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! It won’t work.  Mulder & Scully are the X-Files!!  You can’t do it!!!!!

To say Treacle has been hibernating she wasn’t last night!  Because DH is away I was “allowed” to have Treacle on my bed as she usually sleeps in Youngest’s room in her basket.  Well she spent the whole night running up and down stairs barking and then got me up at 5.00am!!!!  Tonight she is sleeping in Youngest’s room!!!!!

I am still trying to sort out my sewing and stash in Eldest’s room but it is so nice that I don’t have to tidy everything away when I have finished and can just leave it as it is.  I just need to be a bit more organised in the room.  Eldest can still stay in his room, he will just have to climb over a few things!!!!!

I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x


2 thoughts on “Shrovetide

  1. farmquilter

    Sometimes big dogs can be a pain to sleep with!! However, my little girl has been known to wake up my husband in the middle of the night to be let outside!! She doesn’t wake me up often!! We have never had any traditions concerning Shrovetide or Lent when I was growing up, but my current church does have soup suppers every week up to Maundy Thursday – all new to me and I’ll be missing it all this year. Goodness, I just realized I’ll be with my Dad for Easter Sunday this year – arriving on the eve of Maundy Thursday!!! You are absolutely right that The X Files cannot replace the actors in the main roles and have the series survive!! Booooo!!! But I do suppose actors do get bored with doing the same things over and over and they may want out so they can pursue other interests. Still, BOOOO!!! I’ll be another 2 hours behind you tomorrow!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    You have us and our mom drooling over those pancakes, Miss Susie! You got your mom up an hour late, Treacle. We get up at 4!
    The spring flowers are so, so pretty♥

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