Tuesday, Tuesdays!


Was there a song with those words?  Who knows!!!  It has been a hectic work day again. 

I have fallen back into the habit of waking up several times at night again!!!!  I had managed to get out of it and now it is happening again and who knows why!!!  Counting sheep does not help!

Treacle is feeling sorry for herself again today as I think she has tweaked her leg again!  It is either that or as it is cold it is aching!!  She was fine this morning but by this afternoon she is wandering around with a woe is me look on her face.  I am sure a good rest will help out!!!!

Eldest is out at Fiancé’s tonight for dinner so it is just DH and I in this evening.  Tomorrow will be busy again with work and it is going to be raining again all day!!!!  I really hope it is going to be warm and sunny soon!!!

I hope you all are having a good Tuesday!

Hugs & Love Susie xx

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