Busy Weekend!


The weekend actually began on Friday for us as we were invited to Philip’s Retirement party, after almost forty years in business.  The staff and business had bought him and his wife, Tricia, a bench for their garden (here is Philip trying it out) and some other goodies as well.  It did rain a little but generally it was dry.  Of course Philip will still no doubt be popping in every once in a while to see us all.

Carnival was all day Saturday and DH and Youngest left the house at 6.00am with their lunches in hand to get to the park.  The weather was again good but a little cloudy in the afternoon.  I decided not to go down and spent the day quilting!  I am determined to get Youngest’s quilt finished before our vacation and my other super secret quilt as well.  I managed to get one side done and then turned it around to do the other side.  I am doing lines on it and some of them are, shall we say, not too straight but it is a car quilt and roads are never competely straight!!! Well that’s my excuse!!! 

Sunday was job catch up day and it was lovely and sunny!  We got most of the jobs done and the next two weekends are going to be busy with DH out doing his announcing job on Friday and Saturday next week and the following week a leaving party.  After that we have a few weekends with nothing on so can really get the garden sorted before we go away as well as the house.


Youngest has requested that his bedroom be changed round as part of his 18th Birthday present but was not prepared for me saying “well if we are changing the room it will need painting”!!!! So in three weeks time when he finishes for the summer he will be having a huge de-cluttering session before we can start painting and then sorting out new furniture!!!  It will be painted white, as it currently is, and then add colour with bedding etc and of course his quilt!!!! 

Wimbledon started today (much to the annoyance of both Boys) and I am going to spend the next fortnight watching as many matches as possible.  I love Wimbledon and Treacle of course is a huge fan, especially the tennis balls!!!  The Boys do love tennis and both play but moan that the TV is mine for the fortnight!!! 

Youngest has heard that he has passed with flying colours his first year of his course and has been moved on to the second year, which he was very pleased about and we are very proud of him.

Today has been a work day with catching up on some jobs from Friday and getting things organised for the end of the Month for June.  I cannot believe how fast the weeks are flying by. 

I hope you had a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Busy Weekend!

  1. farmquilter

    Congrats to Youngest on passing his tests – was there really any doubt??? I know you stress over exams every year, and both the boys sailed through easily (riding the wave of your stress??). Perhaps next year both of you can relax a bit with the stress???!! I can’t wait to see what Youngest’s room ends up looking like – don’t forget the pictures of before and after, please. My mom and dad used to watch Wimbledon all the time – my cousin actually competed there in singles, doubles and mixed doubles (she made it to the semi-finals) back in the 1970s. I know my parents would have loved to have gone to see her play there. Until mom lost her eyesight in one eye, my parents played often. Enjoy your TV/jobs/sewing time!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    We are so happy that you got to sew, Miss Susie! We are not huge tennis fans but I sure do love my tennis balls! Enjoy the matches!

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