The Wednesday Wag!

DSC05280I am in my basket today and have been watching the comings and goings at home!  Dad went out first, then Mom and then Youngest.  Youngest came back early (I got fed early too!) then Mom got back but Dad is still out!!!!!  It has been like this all week!  I don’t know whether I am coming or going.


The weather isn’t too bad today and I have been out in my garden and Mom has promised that we will go for an extra long walk hopefully at the weekend.  Mom and Dad are also going Christmas Shopping so I am getting my Christmas List together.

1. Tennis Ball or seven, 2. Squeaky Toy or eight, 3. New collar, 4. Some new Reindeer antlers (mine have gone missing), 5. Some yummy treats.

I think that’s about it but I am sure I can think of some more before Saturday!!!!!

I am also keeping my paws crossed that Mom gets her sewing room tidied soon as I cannot get in and use Eldest’s bed!  It is such a mess!  I really need to make sure she gets it done!

I hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday


1 thought on “The Wednesday Wag!

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly and Mackie

    You are doing a great job on your Christmas list, Treacle! We have started ours too and we need to add a whole lot more stuffs before mom heads to the store to Christmas shop for us!

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