Shattered Tuesday!

We celebrated DH’s Birthday on Saturday with a family meal and it was a lovely evening and great fun catching up with Eldest and Girlfriend.  Youngest also went to his friend’s 17th Birthday get together and they went to the local ice hockey match in Nottingham and then for something to eat.  They all stayed at the friend’s house as well and got home at 9.30am the next morning and he went straight back to bed!!!!!!

At 2.00am on Sunday morning we got to “Fall Back” an hour which was really nice to have that extra hour in bed and as Youngest had been out the night before we didn’t have to get up to take him swimming either!!!!!!!  We managed to also get a few jobs done as well before swimming in the evening!


We had about fifty visitors last night for Trick or Treat and the costumes were great and the children very good but it finished quite early as it was a school night.  The weather stayed fine as well which always helps.  I did not get around to carving the pumpkin so it went outside as it was and I put the Boys old light pumpkins in the windows.  I did the first hour of opening the door then DH and Youngest got back and they did the next couple of hours.  Treacle was fed up after the fifth ring of the doorbell and went to bed.

This coming Saturday is Bonfire Night and we will be having fireworks and a bonfire and hot dogs!  Hopefully the weather will be good again. I am also going to get the Christmas Baking done and Sunday DH is out as President again, so I am hoping to get some quilting done!!  Shush don’t say it too loud and it may come true!!!!!!

I hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday

Hugs, Susie x

1 thought on “Shattered Tuesday!

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly and Mackie

    Our fall back is this coming weekend and we are looking forward to that extra hour of sleep too. Christmas is right around the corner now!

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