Tuesday & Birthday!

It’s Tuesday and that means lots of work!!!  I also have to re-arrange the week as we are busy Thursday and then at a business meeting on Friday so we are doing things a little backwards this week!!!  Hey ho keeps me on my toes I suppose!!!!


Anyway to nicer things; it is Molly’s 8th Birthday today, Happy, Happy Birthday Molly.  She and her Mom have had a wonderful day with doggie ice cream and presents and I am sure Molly has had the best day.  Treacle is taking notes ready for her Birthday in May!!!!!

I have set up my sewing back on my desk.  I just have to remember where everything went and how I operated!! I still have some things all over the place, the attic, under our bed etc but I am sure when I get set up it will all be sorted out and come back to me!!!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Tuesday & Birthday!

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. I am having a very fun day today! Your latest sewing project looks pretty, Miss Susie.

  2. farmquilter

    As much as you love having Eldest home, it is difficult to lose your sewing space! Looks like you are working on a journal cover! Backwards weeks are always interesting! Hope the weather has calmed down a bit!

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