More from Chelsea.

Here are a few more pictures of our Chelsea visit.  This display, below, was not judged but a display to represent 75 years of the D-Day Landings in France, particularly the British forces, which began the end of WWII.  After the show the whole garden will be moved to France and rest on the hills overlooking the beach where the British landed.


This is sea thrift from Britain and France, a link with the two countries.

The picture below depicts the men coming off the ships and onto the beaches.

This (above) is the M&G Showgarden which won a Gold medal and also Best in Show. 

There were a lot of retailers showing their wares at the show and some incredible greenhouses.  Of course they also had some fantastic plant displays too.

I loved this one as it was very much cottage garden.

There were a lot of garden sculptures as well and I think this company, which makes them out of drift wood, was cashing in on the Game of Thrones series with the dragon as their main display!

The Eagle was also very good, although DH did not like them at all, he thought them creepy looking!!!

The stand, above, was selling very nice summer buildings as you can see and they had a lovely old Bentley on the stand and it was surrounded by Hostas.  Unfortunately we cannot grow Hostas at home due to all the slugs and snails, they think they are Sunday dinner!!!!

As you may have seen and heard the Duchess of Cambridge helped design one of the Feature Gardens, which are not judged, with the RHS and the queue to see this was long all the time.  DH and I did not go in and see it as it was very hot to stand in line and to be honest it was not very big.  I took a couple of pictures from the edge, the tree house above which was circular.  Below are the trees which were featured.

The above, as you can see, is one of the Fuchsia growers whose stand was a carousel.  What you cannot see are the lights on it, it was so pretty.

Tomorrow I will show you my final pictures.

DH and I had a very busy weekend.  We got into our Garden on Saturday as the weather was warm and not too sunny.  We got a lot done tidying things up after the winter and checking on the new plants we put in last year which are all doing well. 

Sunday and Monday we spent trying to finish the Spring Cleaning!  We got four big rooms completed but still have our Den to do (which is our office) and the kitchen, laundry and downstairs bathroom which are also all big jobs!!!  We are going to get some done this week and if not finish them off next weekend as well as carrying on with the garden.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “More from Chelsea.

  1. farmquilter

    Beautiful flowers and displays!! The dragon does look creepy, but I don’t think the eagle does! I wonder how the driftwood is held together…glue, nails, screws, wire?? In Nevada our state flower is the sagebrush (definitely not your typical flower), an artist used bronze to recreate sagebrush “stems” and used them to create a life-sized+ horse on display outside our local art museum. You can see pictures of it here: Google sagebrush and you’ll see what I mean about it!!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    We are going to absolutely hate your Chelsea visit photos come to an end. What gorgeous pictures and we love that antique car!

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