Monday, Monday, so good to me!


I am loving the fact that I am able to watch the Game of Thrones episode with my breakfast on Monday mornings, albeit at 5.30am this morning!!!!  I had to take Eldest to work as his car is in for a service, as is DH’s truck!!!  All these things come at once.  So I was back home by 7.00am and it is amazing how much you can get done before the phones start ringing!

DH was busy over the weekend and I stayed home and got a mixture of Spring Cleaning and quilting done as well as the ironing basket emptied!!!  We did get to go to the garden centre yesterday morning and got some new plants and some plants for the summer bedding, pictures of which are below. 

My planter from our friends.  The daffodils have finished now but the other plants are still going strong.

Plants we bought waiting to be put in.  I have to empty the pots of the winter pansies and then wash and refill them and then plant them up.  The next few days are going to be warm so I will get these done one evening.

I put this in last year and it is doing so well this year.  I am going to take some cuttings to grow some more.

This has appeared and I don’t remember planting it but it really is very pretty so again I am going to take some cuttings.

The pink Rhododendron is just coming out (sorry its blurred).

The Vinca Major is busy flowering.

The garden furniture is back out and we need to re-stain this, this year.

As today is the first really hot day for a while I have washed three pairs of curtains and got them dried outside.

Treacle loving the weather and being outside all day.

This is my new Rhododendron we planted last year and it really is a beautiful lemon colour.  I love it.

Below is one of my tree peonies, the flower is massive.

Our pond in a barrel which we are going to clean out this year and re-plant with some new water plants.  The Reindeer is now keeping it company and our Wisteria is just coming out.  It is sulking as we chopped a lot of it down last year!!!!!

I wanted to show you my Christmas Cacti, it flowered at Christmas and has now come out again as you can see.  When it has finished flowering I am going to re-pot it into a bigger pot.

We also did another good job yesterday when we tidied up and made a list of all my food stores in our room off the garage.  This is tins of food etc which I buy when it is on offer and then use it from there.  A very good friend of mine in the US only goes grocery shopping twice a year and then buys fresh things weekly.  Of course she lives in the middle of nowhere and is not able to pop to the shops like I can.  However when I was first on my own I used to shop once a month and then just buy the fresh things weekly, perhaps I should go back to doing that? I will show you some pictures later in the week.

I have also been buying a little extra each week because of Brexit!  I know we are told not to stock pile food but I do think that whenever the stupid thing is sorted there will be those who try to take advantage of the situation and put prices up whether it is needed or not, so I am just getting a little ahead of the game!!!

(Picture from Bravo TV)

Speaking of shopping I don’t know if you watch “The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills” (it is the only one I watch) but did you see them going “camping” in last week’s episode!!!!  Firstly they went in a huge RV, secondly when they got there, their tents were set up like a hotel room and thirdly they were there for one night!

They went shopping for this one night and managed to spend over $700!  I spend that sort of amount for a month for four of us and Treacle including all the cleaning/washing/toiletries etc!!!!!  How can you spend that much money for one night?  Also the amount of clothes they had taken for one night and two days!!!!!  Good grief.  I have always thought that when they travel abroad for say four days and they each turn up with about four suitcases!!  I mean what planet do they live on?  They must always have to pay excess baggage charges!  I took one, admittedly big, case for a fortnight which in fact turned into three weeks.  Their lives are just not in the real world at all, but that is why I like to watch!!!!!  tee hee!!!

Anyway having got all my work done this morning, I have done a few little Spring Cleaning jobs this afternoon before I need to fetch Eldest and then start dinner.  DH is out, again, tonight at a swimming meeting but I think I will be going to bed early, having got up early this morning.  Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my hair cut and run some errands.  Next week DH and I are going to Chelsea Flower Show.  More on that later in the week.

Have a Wonderful Week.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Monday, Monday, so good to me!

  1. farmquilter

    Your garden is so beautiful. You have a green thumb and a willingness to take care of your garden, that is so obvious! I am allergic to plants, so while I am willing to plant them wearing gloves, the weeding of them is much more difficult with gloves and if I don’t wear gloves (or the weeds are tall) I get little cuts and welts all over my hands and arms that itch like crazy! It is so lovely, I did my grocery shopping online in less than 5 minutes and later today I will go collect them…never having to get out of my car!! No extra charge for the service either!! Lovely to be so lazy, but once I return home, that will stop. Hubby actually likes wandering through the grocery shops, so it is lovely to take a whole day with him to shop. Love your flowers…they don’t grow here (most of them) so I really enjoy seeing yours! How much precipitation do you generally get where you live and is your climate humid?

  2. farmquilter

    Your garden is so beautiful. You have a green thumb and a willingness to take care of your garden, that is so obvious! I am allergic to plants, so while I am willing to plant them wearing gloves, the weeding of them is much more difficult with gloves and if I don’t wear gloves (or the weeds are tall) I get little cuts and welts all over my hands and arms that itch like crazy! It is so lovely, I did my grocery shopping online in less than 5 minutes and later today I will go collect them…never having to get out of my car!! No extra charge for the service either!! Lovely to be so lazy, but once I return home, that will stop. Hubby actually likes wandering through the grocery shops, so it is lovely to take a whole day with him to shop. Love your flowers…they don’t grow here (most of them) so I really enjoy seeing yours! How much precipitation do you generally get where you live and is your climate humid?

  3. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your gardens and flowers are just so gorgeous and we are in awe of your yellow Rhody! Love the color! We have never seen The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills. We will have to look for it. Mom just finished watching 6 seasons of A Place to Call Home. She cried when it was over. It was THAT good! It was a true story and a book has been written. The flower show will be so much fun 🙂

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