Yes it is #Throw Back Thursday today and also so much news to comment on, tee hee!


If the US celebrities accused of paying to get their children into college had done some historical films, especially about Britain, they may have learnt from our past. The wealthy in the UK used to get their children into top Universities by donating a building here and there and having their name put on it!!!!  This way the University then felt obliged to take their children even if they were as thick as custard! Generally known as “tit for tat”

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day in the UK and there will be lots of programmes happening and collections everywhere. 

You will all know about Brexit after Treacle’s Wednesday Wag yesterday and our politicians have managed to vote out every possible deal but still want Brexit!  Hence the above picture (it reminds me of Harry Potter)!  I don’t like to get political here but the people of Britain voted to leave the EU (no matter what margin it was) and yet the politicians are now digging their heels in because they don’t like the deal.  Which says to me that they want to make a name for themselves and not for the good of the people they represent!  However even if we had an election the other parties are only the same if not worse than what is in at the moment so we would be no better off!  It is a shame that they did not get business men and women to negotiate the deal, I think it would have been a lot better and be all done by now! Grr.

House jobs day today, as well as some work, and tomorrow some errands to run.  The weather is supposed to be high winds and heavy rain all weekend, so it is a good job I am inside then!!!

Ten years ago!!!!  Eldest on the left and Youngest on the right they did love dressing up especially if it involved the odd tank!!!  They were 13 and 9 and we were away for Easter in London.

Have a Thrilling Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, yeah!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “#TBT.

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    Shame on the US celebrities! We hope you get to spend time in your sewing room this weekend, Miss Susie!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    We forgot to say that your blog background is so spring-y and beautiful and we love your beautiful cover photo!

  3. farmquilter

    Both of the people in our governments seem to be fixated on something other than the job they were sent to London/D.C. to do! Makes me see red!! I love your picture of the boys…how did they grow up so fast??!! I’m not sure what Red Nose day is…I even googled it and I’m still not sure. I hope your weather isn’t as horrible as the weather has been this week in the middle of the country. No trees blowing over and no floods.

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