The Wednesday Wag.

It is Wednesday again, the middle of the week, and lots and lots of jobs are being done at home.  As you can see even my quilt was moved for cleaning purposes but that does not stop me sleeping on it where ever it is!!!


Youngest was making sure my Santa hat was still okay from last year and Mom says it probably just needs a quick wash to make it smell a little sweeter, I really don’t know what she means!!!!

If you have finished all your jobs now Mom, can I have my biscuit?

It must be coming up to Christmas soon as I see lots of things being wrapped and I think some of the presents may have been for me, as I was investigating the bags and Mom quickly removed one to the top of the wardrobe.  That’s just not fair!!!!  I need to inspect all of them to make sure they are all correctly wrapped!!  Ever since I ate that whole Christmas chocolate log that year, nothing is left at my level ever now!!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Week and have a great weekend, apparently I am on my own with Youngest this weekend as Mom and Dad are away so that is going to be interesting!!!!  I hope he knows my schedule and will do everything on time, or else I will be putting in a complaint to the Management!!!!

Woof, Treacle

2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. farmquilter

    Oh, Treacle, when you hog the Christmas Log cake, mom will be more careful to keep everything yummy up high. Sadly, everything is high for me so I never get to indulge myself in things like a Christmas Log cake. However, I do get to lick plates sometimes before they go in the dishwasher! Tara

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    I saw mom put a gift for me on the top shelf inside of a kitchen cupboard. So totally not fair that we can’t give it a thorough sniff! Oh no – not the dreaded stuffs that we have to wear on our heads to please the hoomans!

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