For #TBT today I am only going back to last Saturday, so not throwing back too far at all!!

Xander and Cake 2

Eldest’s Birthday has lasted for several weeks now since he was away for the actual day!!!  Saturday we all went out to celebrate and he got another piece of cake!!!! We went to Mr Man’s Chinese Restaurant in Wollaton Park, Nottingham. 

Eldest and Girlfriend.

Youngest and Girlfriend.

My Boys!

The rest of the party, Emily, James, Lily, Mel, Charles and DH!

DH looks a bit stern in this picture as does Charles, they did have a great evening but DH is still not well with his tooth and mouth and is on yet another set of antibiotics.  He will be seeing our Dentist next week to hopefully get if fixed!!  He is still not eating well. 

It was a lovely evening and great fun.  DH and I are out this Friday evening at a Retirement party for one of the Consultants at one of the companies we work with.  Italian this week!!!  It really is not helping my diet much all this entertaining!!!!

This has been delivered to the Grandparents-to-Be for them to take to The Netherlands when their new Granddaughter arrives!!!  They now know they are expecting a little girl but think the colours and patterns are wonderful as the Mom-to-Be hates pink, so relieved I didn’t know it was a girl and included any pink in the quilt!!!!!  They loved it and I am sure Jenny & Chris will.  Baby is due on October 1st and I will let you know when she has arrived.

It has been a busy week work wise and today is House jobs day and tomorrow I have some errands to run before we go out.  DH is compering an event on Saturday evening and we may get some jobs done before he goes there and Sunday will be also getting jobs completed.  Saturday evening I will be in my sewing room, getting on with the second quilt and hopefully later sorting out my sewing room which has not been done since we got back from vacation.!

After Treacle’s sleepy day yesterday she is ready and waiting to help with all the jobs!!!  That means following me from room to room as I get things done as she does not want to miss out on anything!!!

Happy Thursday everyone.

Hugs, Susie & Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT.

  1. farmquilter

    Looks like you had a great time at the extended birthday party!! Hard to believe that your boys are so grown up – I want them to be like they are in so many of your TBT pictures…young!!! Hope DH feels better soon – tooth/jaw pain just sucks the life right out of you. Army daughter is taking delivery of her household goods (shipped from Hawaii to Georgia) today…just ahead of the hurricane that is scheduled to land just north of her tomorrow!! She is only 19 feet above sea level, so I hope she is far enough inland from the Atlantic. She was higher when she lived a mile from the beach in Hawaii!!!

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