Monthly Friday Book Club.


This book has to be in my Book Club.  I first read it for my O’Level English Literature Exam at sixteen and loved it.  What sixteen year old girl is not into the romance of it?  If you have seen the film “You’ve Got Mail” (my most favourite of films) Kathleen, the Heroine, mentions this book as her favourite and that she reads it every year!  Well I do read it every year and just love it.

Even though it was written in 1812 it is very easy to read and definitely stands the test of time.  Out of all of Jane Austen’s books this is my favourite.  I remember in class the debate raged as to who was prideful and who was prejudiced and in my opinion they both were at various times in the book.

The BBC did this adaptation of the book in 1995 and it was six, hour-long episodes so went through the book in a lot of detail.  The cast was amazing and so like how I imagined the characters to be.  If you have never seen this then I suggest it goes on a Birthday or Christmas list as a must, even if it is only to see Colin Firth in his wet, white shirt!!!!

If you have never heard of this book it is about Elizabeth Bennet the second of the five Bennet daughters and who is the most sensible of them all.  She and her elder sister Jane are of an age to marry and marry they must as their father’s estate is entailed away from their family to his distant Cousin, Mr Collins the Clergyman. 

Mrs Bennet is determined that all her girls must be married and married to wealthy young men.  When Mr Bingley takes a house near to their home at Longbourne, Mrs Bennet is on the hunt.  They encounter Mr Bingley and his party, including Mr Darcy, at the local assembly where Elizabeth is snubbed by Mr Darcy in her hearing saying  “she is not pretty enough to tempt me”! 

The story unfolds over the chapters where Elizabeth and Darcy keep encountering each other at various social gatherings and walks where each others pride and prejudice keeps them apart.  As with all good love stories it comes good in the end.

I will be taking this book away with me on vacation this year as it is just the right sort of book to read when you have nothing else to do!

Happy Friday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Monthly Friday Book Club.

  1. Judy

    Pride and prejudice is one of my favorite books and the BBC adaptation of the book is among my top favorite movies.

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