The Wednesday Wag.

It’s my Birthday later in the week and I can’t wait.  I know I have presents as I saw Mom wrapping them the other day.  Yeah!!!!

However I have had one of my presents early.  Mom has been searching for a new collar for me for ages, in particular made by Rogz as she likes the style and safety of this particular make. 

Here it is and it’s pink, for me being a girl of course.  Don’t you love it?


Mom got it adjusted just right and put my name tag on so I am legal again.

What you can’t see from the pictures is that there are sparkly bits on it!

It is raining again today, Mom spoke too soon about the sun appearing, but the weather lady says that the weekend is going to be warm again so I can be outside all the time. 

So after breakfast and my morning activities and now my lunchtime biscuit, I have retired to my bed for a well-earned nap or three.

Mom says she will put my Birthday celebrations up on Friday.

Woof, Treacle

4 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Maga

    Love your new collar! Pink suits you down to a T. Have a lovely birthday and can’t wait to see the pictures. Your mum is so kind sharing your photos and allowin you to blog once a week.

  2. farmquilter

    Your beautiful collar is perfect for such a beautiful girl, Treacle. How old will you be? I am about 8…mom has had me for almost 8.5 years, when she adopted me from the shelter where they guessed I was about a year old. Gee, that makes me about the center of middle age…makes me feel old cuz I keep thinking (and acting) like I am 5 or 6!

  3. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your new collar looks so pretty on you, Treacle! I can’t wait to see what you get for your very special day!

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