Tuesday Thoughts!

Tuesday, Just Another Word for Monday!

Which sort of sums up the day I have had today, which followed a not very good night’s sleep.  It is amazing how not having a good night’s sleep can so affect the next day, but it does!

Today the weather has been grey and overcast and the forecasted warm weather has not materialised although it has been quite blowy so I have managed to get some extra washing done and dried outside.  There is nothing quite like the smell of laundry which has been dried outside, it’s the same as fish and chips outside!


As my Daffodils have not done very well outside I got some for inside and they are the loveliest of pale cream and custard colour.  They are just coming out and look very Spring like.

I was also sorting out pictures from my camera today and found these I forgot to show you.

A face with just a nose, nothing else!  She definitely needs that AireCut on Friday!

This was taken a couple of weeks ago when it was still very, very cold!  DH was taking her for a walk so she had her thin walking coat on instead of her very thick waterproof coat.  She was very toasty and warm when she got back.

Huge basket of ironing completed and the extra things I have washed.  I have another set of curtains to wash and hang out tomorrow when it is supposed to be very warm and I am going to wash all of Eldest’s bedding along with mattress and pillow protectors off of all the other beds, as well as the pillows.  Watch out, if you stand still in this home you will be washed!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Thoughts!

  1. farmquilter

    Spring lost its fight for a toe-hold here yesterday…I umpired last night and it snowed a bit during all three games and the wind was miserable. When I drove home, the snow intensified to the point that everything but the asphalt/concrete was covered in white! The snow is still visible in the shaded areas. It is in the mid 40s but it was 33 when I got in my car to come home last night! Hate it! Not sleeping is really hard on your whole body and the effects are cumulative…no fun at all! Hope your weather turns to spring and your daffy’s come out to shine soon!

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