April Already.


Well the first three months of the year have flown by in a flurry of activity in our home.  Eight major swimming events as well as the weekly swimming club sessions, Three weekends of quilting done whilst everyone else was at swimming, countless business meetings/travel/emails, Visits to Universities x 3, Youngest filming three times and one hip replacement.  Along with all the usual washing/ironing, cleaning, cooking, shopping etc.  So although we think it has flown when you actually look back on what has happened you wonder how you fitted it all in.


I actually got to drive on Saturday which was quite strange not having driven for six weeks but I was fine and it was such a relief.  As soon as someone says you can’t do something like driving it feels like you are trapped forever!!!!  Needless to say we did not get the attic done as the “Staff” were otherwise occupied!!!  Eldest was busy and so was Youngest but we have earmarked it for another weekend to get the job done and also the garage and room off. 

Saying that, we did not do a lot over the weekend.  We saw some friends, Eldest and Girlfriend came for Easter Dinner which was lovely and we generally chilled.  It would have been nice to get into the garden but the weather was not good and we woke up on Monday morning to snow on the ground again, but not a lot to Treacle’s annoyance.

Our Easter Table

This is the Simnel Cake I made which I have not done before.  It is a light fruitcake with a layer of marzipan in the middle and then a layer on top with eleven circles of marzipan on top although I substituted little eggs for some of them.  It was really good and I was so pleased how it turned out.  I will put the recipe on my recipe page.

Our German guests arrive on Wednesday evening and so Thursday will be a very busy day but they are leaving again Friday morning which is a change to the itinerary because of their ferry times.  We are going to visit two quilt shops and then take them to Chatsworth House where we will meet up with the men for lunch.

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break and tomorrow I will have the Spring Cleaning Planner ready for you to have a look at.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “April Already.

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your Simnel Cake looks and sounds so delicious! We got snow too, Treacle, but we don’t have much left and rain is heading our way to remove the rest of it *sigh*

  2. farmquilter

    We currently have sunshine, but Friday and Saturday will bring lots of rain (up to an inch, which here in the high mountain deserts of Nevada is quite enough for flooding). Enjoy your time with your German guests…we’ll expect to hear from you after they are gone (but if you pop in earlier, we’ll be here too!). Glad you got to drive but also glad you didn’t go crazy with the cleaning too!! Enjoy an early spring week!!

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