Sunday Snooze!


Well Punxsutawney Phil was definitely correct when he saw his shadow and said we would have six more weeks of Winter as it is freezing here today and the early part of this week we have snow forecast and falling temperatures.  Apparently it is going to colder here than the Artic!

I have been up and about and slowly getting used to crutches.  I saw the Nurse on Friday for them to check all was okay and re-dress the area and she is very pleased with it and all is going well.  She actually said “I bet you wish you hadn’t had it done?” and I had actually said the same thing to DH on Friday morning!  I know that I won’t have any pain now and it is the best thing to have it done but at the end of last week it definitely felt worse; walking with crutches, the house is completely upside down to accommodate me, I can’t do anything normal, I can’t even cook but I know it will get better, I think it was just that low that a few people have told me can happen.  So One Week Down, Five To Go!

At least I am in good company, although Mrs Beckham’s is her foot and not hip but still, I mean we could be sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!  Tee Hee!!!!!!

RIP Emma Chambers 1964 – 2018

I was extremely shocked yesterday to hear of the untimely death by natural causes of Emma Chambers (above left with Dawn French) aged 53.  Any death is always a shock but for someone so young who appears to have had no health issues it is more of a shock, especially as we are the same age.  Emma came to prominence in the UK as Alice Tinker in “The Vicar of Dibley” and international fame as Hugh Grant’s sister in “Notthing Hill”. 

I have managed to spend a little time in my sewing room and just pottered about, tidying up and planning a few things rather than get down to any long sewing projects.  Hopefully next week I will feel more up to doing something.  DH and Youngest have been at the County Championships last weekend and this weekend which is always a big event (which was when I was going to have my in-home Quilt Retreat!!) and next weekend they are swimming on Saturday night and all day Sunday so am hoping to get something done next weekend.  Also another week will have gone by.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and looking forward to the coming week!!!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Sunday Snooze!

  1. farmquilter

    Oh my, I love the Vicar of Dibley!!! She was wonderful on that show. So very sad. I hope they do an autopsy and determine why she died so young – 10 years younger than me!! I’m so glad you are doing better…we call those crutches Canadian crutches here – never tried them, mine go under my arms and I think they are easier! Be careful going up and down the stairs!!! Have a wonderful week and keep improving!!!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    Stay inside, Miss Susie. You don’t want to be slippin’ on the ice with your crutches! We are so sorry to hear about Miss Emma Chambers. She was way too young.

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