Thursday Things.


It has been like this for the last few days at home!!!  Grocery shopping is done, washing/ironing done, house cleaned and done, cooking done; you name it, its been done and all my work!!!  Yep I am tired but I am pleased and everything has been ticked off my list!!!! 

I had some vouchers left from Christmas so ordered a few books on Amazon.

One of my aims after finishing the UFO’s is to make a scrap quilt and I saw this and thought this would be ideal for me.  It is a hardback and has lots and lots of ideas for using up all those scraps.  FarmQuilter gave me the tip of cutting them into various sizes and sorting by colour which I think I will do.  At the moment they are just in one of my huge clip boxes any old how!!!!

I saw this and thought this would be a great idea not just for me but for making gifts too.  I have a few of the Love to Sew books and think they are great and the projects are very easy to follow and it was not a lot of money!

Of course Amazon being Amazon they then show you other quilting things you might like (!) and this came up and I thought it would be a good idea.  It is a book to record the details of quilts you have made with room for photographs (it is a soft back) and I thought great way of keeping the details.

I just had to have this.  It is the last ever season of Grimm which only had 13 episodes in instead of the usual 24.  As you know it is one of my most favourite TV shows.  I usually have a DVD playing whilst I am sewing and am at the moment working my way through the other series of Grimm. 

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.  It’s Friday tomorrow!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Thursday Things.

  1. farmquilter

    Ohhhh, I am intrigued by the Sewing Room Accessories! I need to figure out a way to put all the stuff I need when I travel into an organized “thing”! I made a great mat to put under my sewing machine that has clear pockets on the front hang-over – it holds the little things I use all the time like snips, seam ripper, scissors, walking foot, 1×6″ ruler, pencil, pen – but I need something to put all the extra stuff I currently have jumbled in a pouch that I have to paw through to find what I need! You’ll have to share some pictures! Enjoy a Friday Free Sew since all your jobs are DONE!!!

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