Is it Wednesday?

I don’t know about you but after a holiday I always get confused as to what day it is!  Suddenly it’s Wednesday and even Treacle has not caught up with things yet!


It’s Wednesday?  Oh I don’t have anything prepared perhaps you should do the blog today Mom!

Okay Treacle just relax I have a few things to show everyone from Christmas still.  Fliss, Lee, Evalyn and Owen came for the day last Thursday and we were all here too so it was a very busy, fun day.

Youngest and Owen

Girlfriend, Eldest and Owen

Eldest and Youngest may be the Uncles but really they are playmates!

Owen & Grandad

Youngest and Evalyn

Evalyn had a children’s camera for Christmas so who is taking a picture of who?  Her Mom was not too  happy when she snuck into the bathroom and took a picture of her in the shower!!!!

Eldest and Evalyn.  Girlfriend and I had just managed to get a cup of tea.

They went home about 5.00pm and we were all tired!!!

I have been at my desk all day today catching up on my work and getting things organised although some people are not back until next week, which is great as it gives me time to breathe!!!  Youngest is not back at college until next week as well so we are still a little in holiday mode.  At the end of this week we will be taking the decorations down which is not my most favourite job at all, I hate how the house looks when they are all down, especially all the lights which are my favourite things.  However I will be showing you how to make the most of things you already have to help keep the winter nights at bay.

Happy Wednesday everyone, it’s almost the weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Is it Wednesday?

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Christmas is so much more fun when little peeps are involved. They are so cute! Mom has decided to keep her 4 little trees up for a bit longer. They don’t have ornies on them any longer and the lights make her happy☺

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