Christmas Planner Day Six.

The final day of my Christmas Planner.  I do hope you have enjoyed reading how I plan our Christmas and hope some of the things may have helped your Christmas run a little smoother!

Christmas Planner 2017 6

Thank you for all the good wishes I have received for our Wedding Anniversary.  A couple of people asked where the wedding photographs are, well they were pre-digital and I didn’t have time to get the album out and take a picture with my new camera, I will try and get around to it at the weekend.

This was yesterday evening’s job!  To wrap the 74 Advent Calendars for the Small Pool swimmers aged 5 to 8 as their Christmas Gift.  The lady who is my co-organiser has 66 more to wrap too.   I was seeing spots by the end of it having used all the paper and two rolls of sticky tape!!!  Treacle was also very keen on all the wrapping, she is not bothered about what is in it, she just likes opening presents!

I am busy finishing the Christmas gifts, quilting wise, for Christmas and now have another couple of things to do, which I am hoping to get done at the weekend whilst DH and Youngest are out again doing swimming things!!!  I also need to get Evalyn’s quilt finished and quilted as well so may be sneaking the odd day or two here and there to do a bit, but I am at the moment all caught up with work so aim to stay on top of things.

Next job is to plan the Christmas Present shopping.  DH is helping this year, with an arm twisted behind his back! Christmas card writing will be Friday evening and I also need to get the mince pies, Christmas cookies, sausage rolls and cheesy stars made as well!!  I have managed to clear a space in the freezer for a lot of this so it will be ready in time.

I also need to order the meat for the Christmas holidays but as I still don’t know how many I will be feeding so we have decided to go for a medium sized bird and also get a piece of beef, so if I end up feeding them all I will cook both, DH actually prefers beef to turkey or chicken so he will be happy if that happens!

The Christmas cds’ are going in the Jeep this week as well!!!

This was Treacle on Sunday keeping me company in Eldest’s room whilst I was sewing.  I can tell you that she snores, a lot!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie xx

1 thought on “Christmas Planner Day Six.

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly the AireGirl

    You are staying right on track, Miss Susie. Look at all of those beautifully wrapped calendars!
    I have to tell you, Treacle, that Mackie is here and last night, he was dreaming away and moving his feets like he was running and then mom saw him bear his teeth! Gosh, what the heck was he dreaming about?!

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