Dark Nights!


I am sat at my desk finishing off my work and have realised that although it is only 6.30pm it is completely dark outside!!!  I think this is the only thing I don’t like about Autumn, the evenings are dark so early!!!!

Yesterday disappeared in a whirl of work and I didn’t finish until late and DH and Youngest were both out so before I knew it it was 8.00pm and no dinner made!!!  Treacle was also very keen for her dinner too.

At the weekend DH and I managed to get lots of extra house jobs done and the garden and on Saturday evening was the first of the swimming club’s Championships.  This is just for our Club and our swimmers.  They all had a great evening and some club records were broken.  We were both tired by the end of it!!!

Treacle got to spend all day Sunday outdoors as the weather was good, which is when we got the garden sorted.  I cannot believe that we are still outside in October with decent weather which I suppose is down to Global warming!DSC04128Starting to plan making the Christmas cake and am also going to use the same recipe for a Birthday cake which is required at the end of November too.  It makes the house smell lovely when it is baking with all the Christmasy flavours.

Also need to get on with making the Christmas puddings.  I am in the process of sorting out the freezer so that I can fill it with some things for Christmas!!! 

It’s not all about Christmas though as I have got the Halloween things out from the attic so need to decorate the house with them.  Youngest is actually going to a car meet the weekend before and is going to raid the Halloween decorations for his car!!

Treacle is taking advantage of the darker mornings too and sneaks onto the bed after DH leaves for work, usually around 6.00am and before I get up.  She is definitely getting into hibernation mode.

Tomorrow I have some errands to run and a visit to the supermarket to get some bits and some Birthday cards and then get back and get my work done.  Of course tomorrow they have forecast heavy rain all day!!!

Happy Tuesday Everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Dark Nights!

  1. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Those Christmas cakes look sooooooo yummy! We can almost smell the aroma on our side of the pond! It does get darker earlier. We don’t mind it so much at Christmas because there are the Christmas lights to make you smile and feel cozy.
    Mom took her ac units out of the windows today so we hope that summer is gone for good!

  2. farmquilter

    I do miss the sun going down late like it does in the summer!! I love being able to go outside after 9 and still have it be light! In the winters at home I always need to feed the horses by 3 in the afternoon if want to have enough light to see by…for some reason it is spooky with the dim light from the barn being the only light. Enjoy the warmer weather…it has been close to freezing for several nights this past week so I need to drain the watering system so we don’t have frozen pipes!!

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