The Wednesday Wag!


Mom has been out all day today so I have been in charge of Youngest!!!!  He just is not Mom and then he went out and left me, but Mom got back not long aftet that!  It is so much better when she is in!!!!

Now she is home I can get some sleep, Youngest is far too excitable!!!!

It has been sunny today so Mom let me out as soon as she got back and I had a good run round and found my football, I had better make the most of it as they have forecast rain for all day tomorrow!!!!

I hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday.  Friday soon.


2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag!

  1. farmquilter

    Enjoy today, Treacle! You know how awful it is to have to be wiped down as soon as you come in when it is raining! Love from a sunny, cool Nevada, Tara

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