Oh Boy He Passed!

Image result for passed driving test

Run for cover, Youngest has passed his driving test!!!!!!  All joking aside he has done really well and passed first time which he is so pleased about as his Dad, brother and I did!  Unlike his sister who took seven goes at it.

Just another person I have to worry about out on the roads with all the other lunatics!!!!! I love daffodils they are such a happy flower and the colour is just perfect for this time of year when it is still grey and raining outside.   Yesterday it rained all day and was very heavy with local flooding so these, which are in our sitting room, make me smile.  I would love to grow them in our garden but as our soil is so wet the bulbs rot.  

Today the weather is very cold but the sun is shining so Treacle is more awake!  This look says when is it dinner time?!!!!!

I finished the binding on the baby quilt and one of my super secret quilts I just now need to sew it to the back and I can then show you.  I also managed to get the other baby quilt cut out and the first of the blocks sewn so I am really pleased.  I am hoping to get a bit more done tonight.

I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Happy Hugs, Susie x



3 thoughts on “Oh Boy He Passed!

  1. farmquilter

    I love the cheery daffodils…they make spring! Maybe they would work in pots in your garden, with lots of drainage?? You might have to dig them up or bring the pot in at the beginning of winter, but you would have your flowers! Congrats on all the awesome quilting going on in your house! I am looking forward to seeing pictures 🙂

  2. Dandy Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Our spring-like temps are going back to winter today too, Miss Susie. We love daffies too! They are such happy flowers☺ Congratulations to Youngest!

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