We Made It!

Image result for snoopy Friday

You know how some weeks fly by and then others seem to crawl?  Well this week seemed to me to have ten days in it!!!  But we made it to Friday!!! 

Today has been a catch up day for work and then we took a little gift round to the Boys piano teacher as a Thank You for all the lessons.  Now Youngest is at college and there at different times he is not able to have lessons every week but she did say that if he needed to learn a specific piece he can go see her.

We are home at the weekend so can get some jobs done as we don’t have many spare weekends left between now and Christmas, between swimming and other events DH has to go to as President.  Sunday we have been invited to a friend’s 80th Birthday which is being held in the village hall and is a lunchtime event, so we will still have the evening to get things done.

We also have other Autumn things coming up including Goose Fair and Bonfire Night, as well as Birthdays and Wedding Anniversary and of course Christmas things!!!!  It’s always a busy time of year but I love it.  What I must not do is meet myself coming backwards!!!!!! 

Also starting to plan the Christmas baking which needs to be started during October!

The weather has turned a little cooler today and we had a thunderstorm over night but some parts of the country have seen flash flooding.  The forecast is still for the temperatures to be in the upper sixties so quite nice for this time of year, then I suspect all of a sudden it will go cold!  At the moment I still have all our summer things out and summer bedding and then it will be a made scramble to get the winter things out!!!!

I am cooking another Beef dish tonight and will show you next week how it turned out.

I hope you have a lovely Autumn weekend

Hugs, Susie x

Treacle says Woof!

2 thoughts on “We Made It!

  1. farmquilter

    Autumn is coming on quickly here in the Pacific Northwest!! Only got to the mid-sixties today, with wind and rain! This weekend is our Deuteches Fest (celebrating the German-Russian heritage of the founders of our town) – so much work goes into this one weekend and then it literally rained on their parade!! I worked in the Pie and Kuchen booth whist hubby worked in the cabbage roll booth for our church. I even baked a bunch of kuchen for the booth – good thing I got home on Monday!! We also had my husband’s cousin and his friend (the three of them hunt and snowmobile together) come to stay with us while they attended Fest (all together!!). Tomorrow morning is the community church service outside (all 5 churches in town participate) and then my duties will be finished. Then the drive back to Nevada!!!

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