It’s Friday, Yeah!!!!!!

This picture is for Youngest as he loves VW camper vans! 

It has been a busy old week and I think I have seen every single piece of farm equipment this week on the roads whilst taking Youngest backwards and forwards to his course!  There have even been a couple of combine harvesters.  The wheat has done really well with all the rain and then lots of sun so some of the fields are now being harvested, instead of at the end of August beginning of September.

Youngest has really enjoyed this week and done a lot of work and has three more days next week and he is well on track to passing the course.  I went to the dentist this morning for teeth cleaning and we are all going next week for our six monthly checkup.  This afternoon was house cleaning and getting up to date with my paperwork for work.  I am trying to keep on top of things so I don’t have lots to do next week in the build up to us going away.

This is where Madam has spent the day! 

But as soon as Daddy got home, cuddles!!!!

Eldest and Girlfriend are going out for dinner tonight as they have been going out together for five years!!!!  Oh my.  They are coming for a family dinner tomorrow evening before we all go off on vacation and work things.  DH & Youngest are having their hair cut tomorrow and hopefully we will be able to do some more work done in the garden and a couple of final house jobs, which need doing and then we are up to date with that.  Of course by the time we get back from vacation it will all need doing again!!!!!

I hope you all have a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “It’s Friday, Yeah!!!!!!

  1. farmquilter

    Well, the weekend is starting off hot – 104 predicted for today!!! On Tuesday it was around 100 and someone brought a thermometer onto the softball field…126 and we are running around out there!! Dry lightning has sparked several fires around the hills/mountains around town, so we could use some rain to knock them down. At home, they started harvesting the wheat the first week of July – about 3 weeks early as it has been hot and dry – another not-good year. Looking forward to next week as eldest arrives for a short visit and she’s bringing the granddaughters!! Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Molly and Mackie

    Look at you on your daddy’s lap, Treacle! He looks so happy to have you cuddling with him♥ Have a wonderful weekend☺

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