Home Again.


Here is Treacle waiting to go to the Doctors this morning!  She was quite happy even though she had had no breakfast.

Did Someone rattle my breakfast box?

Come on Mom, I am ready to go.

So I dropped Youngest off at school and then drove Treacle straight to the vets for her procedure.  She was quite happy and went off with the nurses without a backward glance followed by the nurse with Teddy.  I called at 2.00pm to find out how things had gone and was told she was absolutely fine and was up and about and looking for some food!

Youngest and I collected her this afternoon after school and I had a long chat with the nurses.  She has had four big back teeth removed as they were not looking good although all the rest are fine and have no problems, they also gave her a scale and polish!  They do not know why those teeth were like that, it could be just one of those things or an inherited thing but everything else is fine!

She has some bleeding still as they were really big teeth.

Her bandage where she had her drip.

When she got home she had a very small meal and went out into the garden as she is still a little sleepy but she seems quite happy and hopefully the bleeding will stop over night, if not we will be back at the vets.

She’s fine and Youngest is getting on with his revision, its all getting too much for me!!!!!!!  I have booked a room for my nervous breakdown by the end of June!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x

1 thought on “Home Again.

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!

    I am sending you lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes, Treacle!

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