Hello October!

Okay so where has nine months of the year gone already?  October 1st has arrived and the leaves are falling from the trees now in showers!!!  Over the last few days they all of sudden seemed to have turned gold and orange and falling off the trees! 

It is still warm at midday but as the sun slowly sinks, so does the temperature.  Even Youngest asked me yesterday when does the heating go back on?!!!!  I said it isn’t cold enough yet although I must admit I did feel cold too!!

October also heralds for us a busy month with lots of Birthdays of family and friends (eleven in total!).  Also Goose Fair in our home town of Nottingham is here again and DH, Youngest and I are going tomorrow and we will have dinner afterwards.  It is always a night I love and the weather is set to be good but cold.  This is where DH and I went on our first date 29 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!  Now where has 29 years gone???????????????????  At the end of this month Youngest has a weeks Half Term Holiday when we get to do some fun things, so long as the weather holds up.


Saturday night we have friends coming round for dinner.  Not on this scale of course!  This is the dining room at Chatsworth House and I must admit I would love to dine somewhere like this just once.  Or host a dinner party somewhere like this once, so long as someone else was cooking and doing the washing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have chosen my menu and I will take some pictures so I can show you on Monday.  I love cooking, especially when I have lots of time and I can fiddle around with dishes, instead of the “its got to be on the table in ten minutes as we are rushing off to – Swimming of course”!!!!


Speaking of Chatsworth House between 2nd and 6th November they will be Decking the Halls in readiness for their Christmas Opening which begins on 7th November until right up to Christmas.  They always have a story book theme and this year it is one of our family’s favourites Wind In The Willows.  We generally try and go and the Boys used to love it when they were little (not so much now!) but DH and I try and visit.  They also have lots of activities going on with a Christmas Market, Carolers and Nativity Scene as well as many other wonderful things.  Well worth a visit if you are able, although you have to book on line this year as the visitors numbers are now so big.

DH has a swimming meeting to go to on Sunday, I was at one with the Leisure Centre where we swim today (!) but hopefully he won’t be there too long and we can then get some jobs done.  Whilst he is out I am going to take advantage and get some sewing done.

All this talk of Christmas and Christmas things is starting to worry me, I need to start doing some planning so I don’t end up rushing around at the last minute.  I always aim to get all the food gifts I do for the relatives made by the end of October and all the Christmas present buying done by the end of November, so then I can relax and actually enjoy the season!  Of course it doesn’t always work out like that!!!!!  But I do keep trying!!!!!  Even Youngest yesterday asked when we could get the Christmas CDs’ back in the car!!!!  A little early just yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Hello October!

  1. farmquilter

    Ack!! The year has just slipped away!!! Days, months, years…they all move way too fast for me!! I have not even started to THINK about Christmas gifts…not a good thing at all! No one will be getting a quilt, that’s for sure!! Maybe this year I’ll leave all the gifts up to hubby for his family and I can just send checks to my daughters 🙂 Definitely the easy way out since they live so far away!!! Thanks for the reminder, dear friend!!

  2. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Mitch and Molly

    Our temps are cooling down too but most of the leaves are still green and on the trees. Mom and dad are planning a Halloween pawty so Christmas planning is on hold for now.

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