It’s Friday!

Yep it’s Friday!!  However it will soon be Monday, so make the most of the weekend!!!!!

I have only just got around to reading the Blogs I folow and I found a post from one of the Blogs, Madame Samm, who also hosts the Blog Hops! It is all about how she fits so much into her day and how to use your time better!  Especially her 23 Minute Rule!  Go check it out, I am going to give it a go!

You can find the advice here :

I love to learn from other people’s experiences and things they have found that work for them.  Last year I read about writing down three goods things about the day and I have been doing that and I have found it really helps. 

Today has also been a good day for work and things going well so I am riding the wave and hoping to carry it on through the weekend and get my jobs done!!!!!

Treacle has spent the day running in and out to the garden, as it has been a bit warmer today.  Although she did come in earlier and had obviously been under all the bushes and her coat was full of bits of leaves and blossom!!!!  So later she will be having a brush!!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely sunny Spring weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “It’s Friday!

  1. farmquilter

    Ride that wave and enjoy the perfect spring weather getting all those jobs finished!! Tara really likes it when I’m on the computer so she can cuddle up to my leg while the little heater blows hot air on us!!

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