April Already!

Yes I got them again this morning!  Eldest and Youngest still asleep and I rushed in at 6.45am to say that it was 10.00am and we had all overslept, get up quick!!!!  Eldest sat up and then looked at the clock and groaned at me and Youngest was getting up until I pointed out the real time!!!!! I think it helped putting the hour forward as no-one is sure what time it really is at the moment.  But I got them, I really did have them going!!!!!!!!!!

I have had a couple of days of lots of work and one or two other things to do but I am determined not to get behind, once I do it just gets worse so I am going to keep on top of it.  We are going away for the Easter break and we all can’t wait so I need to make sure that things don’t get behind.  However I have broken my resolution of getting some quilting done each week!!!!!  But I may be able to get caught up with that whilst we are away.

Okay so who can tell me where January, February and March went to?  The first quarter of 2014 has gone and I really don’t know where its gone to.  I know I have been busy and lots of things have been happening but three months already?  Wow before we know it summer will have gone and it will be the big run to Christmas.  Now how many days are left? (267 apparently!!!!!!!!)

So on that note I think I am going to do a Second Quarter Resolution!!!!!!!  Yep it is not only for New Year, you can be resolute any time of the year! Everything I planned to do in January, February and March is now transferred to April, May and June BUT I am going to do them this time!!!!!  I always think the first quarter of the year can be hard.  Its dark, often cold and you really want to hibernate (well I do) but as April opens the weather is getting better, the nights are lighter and the garden is coming to life so on that note I am off to get some jobs done that I have put off.  Well after the basket of ironing I still need to do!!!!!!!!!!

Have a Thoughtful Tuesday

Susie x

Found this on the Web, quite appropriate for me!!!!!

3 thoughts on “April Already!

  1. farmquilter

    How did you get a picture of my brain???!!! Love it!! How did 1/4 of the year disappear so quickly??? It never used to go so fast when I was a kid…it needs to slow down, please!!! I hope we both meet our goals for the next 3 months 🙂

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