Thursday Thoughts!


I popped out this morning to run some errands and got back before lunch to find loads of work which had arrived by email this morning!!!!  So I have spent today working and clearing the paperwork, so tomorrow will be house job day!!!  Youngest has just got back from school and we have to get dinner sorted before we are off to swimming tonight.


I wanted to show this as it is an amazing feat for me to have a poinsettia this long after Christmas.  Usually by Christmas Day they are giving up the ghost and I have spindly twigs with just some red left on top.  However this one seems to be flourishing.  I think it must be super hardy because I am doing nothing different to years past, perhaps it is a new super breed of poinsettias, like triffids!!!!!!!! Perhaps I will come down one morning and it will have taken over the kitchen!!!!!!

I am going to try and get the baby quilt finished this week.  I decided to have another go at doing some free motion quilting on it, with my new machine!  I love the way it looks and at least the baby won’t be able to be critical until she is a lot older about the pattern!!!!!!  I will show you it when it is finished!

Treacle is busy snoozing in her basket by my desk at the moment and boy can that dog snore!!!!!! 

I hope you have a thrilling Thursday

Susie x

1 thought on “Thursday Thoughts!

  1. Molly the Airedale – Northford, Connecticut – Tennis balls rule!
    Mitch and Molly

    Our mom can kill any houseplant quicker than heck! Of course, the fact that she can’t remember to water them probably has something to do with it. Pleasant dreams, Treacle!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

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